Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Week (and Mom took wayyy too many pictures)

Yummm, Christmas Paper...
and Mom apologizes for late post... was having internet issues...

Kissy, kissy  Merry Christmas Wasabi!

New box... must make it mine... rub, rub...

Wasabi has to explore the cool Chinese box lamp...

"How did I miss this new Bo-o-xxxx! Tally Ho!" cries Uncle Mischa
Wasabi seconding Uncle Mischa... 

The boys play box wars...

Wrasslin in the sunshine...

Tactical retreat...

Wasabi trying to pull Uncle Mischa into the action...

Yikes!!!! Sneak Attack....

The Christmas table....

A really nifty toy from one of our Aunt's and Uncle's....

Another view...

Mom got really carried away with the Sushi shots... so she is going to spare you the dialog and just let you enjoy the action...

Sigh, Uncle Mischa didn't want to share....

Playing with an Uncle before Turkey is served...


We can get it... really, we can...


Hmmmm... getting tired...
 Thud... Okay... not one of my more elegant maneuvers...

What is this thing... it's meowing "Jingle Bells"...
Wasabi says it doesn't taste real....

Wasabi proving that is not real...

Yummm... and I close with sushi!!!! Purrrrr!!!!

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