Monday, January 26, 2009

Busy week....lots of love but not many pictures....

We began the week with a sleep and clean fest.... divided by boys and girls... naturally...

geometric sleep patterns... all the rage... umm, somewhere anyway...

Look Mom's trying to download software....

Hmm, let's help... ( Mom points out that given her gift for software... the kids have a better chance of getting it right)

Mom, Mom... its software... not hardware... oh... sorry you're banging your head against the floor... Mom I don't think that that will help with the install process... really Mom... you're hurting the floor...

Mom actually ran the treadmill for me and I really liked it but Wasabi kept falling off... so Mom made the target stationary...

I played a very rousing game of kill the sparkly...

Wasabi watched...

Lazy boy...

Mom says that she hopes to have more pictures next week but she gets seasonally affected and hasn't been taking her vitamin D.... which makes her sleepy and slow...

Monday, January 19, 2009

BRRRR- it's cold out there!

I started out the week snoozing with Uncle Mischa in the big tree

And, of course, contemplating a sneak attack...

The Mom's still haven't cleaned up the box pile...

Soooo, the war is on... again...

Poke, Poke... I see you Wasabi....

Mmmrph... squish....

Wasabi weasels free....

Wa-Ha... My turn...

Upsy Daisy.... in I go...

This is sooo cool card board armor...

Complete with attack ports....

Viewing the enemy is a touch difficult.... must work on the design... Curtains would be nice too...

Wasabi sleeping at a Mom's feet...

A catnip sushi makes an awesome pillow...

Ensures sweet dreams....

Look Mom's got us new catnip toys from
and Uncle Mischa found them first....

Sniff... purrrrrrr.... Uncle Mischa likes...

I found the chocolate cannoli....



ooohhh, wait, fortune cookies... ( Wasabi thinks that I can't see him trying to carry off the Cannoli)


Yes, Yes... I know that Wasabi just went over the side with the Cannoli... but I still have 2 fortune cookies and a sushi hand roll... I have more... so I still win....

Ahhhh bliss is a fresh catnip toy...

Really did you need words????...

Napping on the computer comforter....

Uncle Mischa... what's Mom got?...

I Scream... You scream...

We ALL scream for ICE CREAM!!!!!....

That was yummy Mom...

I luvs mint ice cream...

Uncle Mischa trying to get another bite... he has looking pitiful down to an art... I'm still training...

Mom says she posts too many pictures..... but really... to many of Moi? Never...
Until next week....

Sunday, January 11, 2009

We turned 6 months old this week!!!

Sumthin's in the bag...

Yup, sumthin's in the bag...

Look, Uncle Mischa's in the bag...

Poke, Poke...

Sigh, Uncle Mischa won't move...

Pounce... Uncle Mischa... we want in the bag...

Really, really... it's our turn...

Uncle Mischa finally yields...

My turn, girls first...

Cool... Queen of the bag....


Mmrrph.... chew.....
It's... crunch... good to be ... slurp... queen...

Awww, Wasabi... it is still my turn..


Gack... squish...

Ok, ok... its your turn... Wasabi...

Snoozing in the kitchen....

Cleaning Wasabi...

Wasabi changing angles for a belly rub...

Wasabi laid out in his "regal" pose...

Sunday morning breakfast.... Uncle Mischa trying Mom's toast

"What, might I ask, are you staring at?"

Ahhh... yessss... buttery spread...


a Mom setting up a toy....

Uncle Mischa watching my swatting technique...


Ok Mom's apologize the front hall is an unholy mess... but these pictures were just too cute... Isis is at the top of the box but note the furry flank under all the paper in the box...

Isis trying to get Wasabi...

Still trying....

Wasabi staring out from his paper fortress of solitude...

Silly Boy....

Wasabi still playing in his fortress....

Uncle Mischa admiring the fortress... boys....

What a tiring week... purrrrr.... zzzzzzzz, Goodnight all!