Sunday, June 21, 2009

May/June... or Mom's been slack with the pic posting

Moms went to the zoo and bought a toy... Wasabi found it on the dining room table and claimed it (snicker, what he doesn't know is the Moms left it there for him... but he thinks that it is a neater toy because he "found" it)
He lurves his new toy...

Kissy, kissy...

Wasabi carrying off his new prize...

Uncle Mischa actually opting for camera time...

Tired of it now, Mom...

Ah, Yes, wonderful me at play....

Yes, Mom, Of course I want you to take more pics...

Cuddle, purrr.... chomp... aren't I a pretty predator

What's Wasabi Got...?

Swipe, grab...

Ahhhh, now I see ... Uncle Misha's tail...

Sleeping with my Mom....

Yet More sleeping with My Mom

My how we've grown....

Playing in the pillows, while Mom fluffs the couch cushions...

I sight my prey...

Wa-ha... war on the freshly fluffed couch...

Wasabi calls king of the couch....

Well hey, it is freshly fluffed... we've got to flatten it, lol

High window viewing....

Wasabi's jealous because he can't fit up here...

Another Wasabi sprawl....

Posing... Wasabi is getting better at it...

But I'M still queen of posing...

We sees birds and stuff...

Me on the window sill again...

Wasabi, DON'T you dare bite me...

Yet More high window shots...

Wasabi trying to help me down... the hard way...

What me trip Isis....Nah... besides I missed...

Mom... You're interrupting nap time with My Mom...

Kneading and kissing Mom's arm...

"and this is why Mom keeps my front claws trimmed" sighs Wasabi

Because, I am a VERY enthusiastic Kneader....

Wasabi Being Picture perfect...

Moi, Princess Isis using Uncle Mischa as a pillow...

Wasabi still looking grand.... my brother's becoming a vain teeny bopper...

Until the next time... We turn one on July 6th and Mom promises to post some birthday pics...