Sunday, November 23, 2008

Getting Ready for T'Day

Uncle Mischa wondering  just how he got pulled into all this...

Crashed after a mad bout of play...

I se-e-e you.....

You don't seriously expect us to come down... pul-lease...

Chasing Uncle Mischa's tail...

I definitely don't have the advantage... sigh...

We found a Christmas stocking... toys what toys... I want the bell...

Don't I just look regal?...

Mom really liked this shot... so I'll humor her...

Uncle Mischa posing in the sun...

Wasabi got to the new toy first...

Uncle Mischa checking it out...

Wasabi enforcing the "finder's Keeper's" rule of toys...

Mom's apologize for the trash bag... but they are cleaning for T'day and we were so wild that play time ( or let's wear the little terrors out time) was required...


Duck, Wasabi, Duck...

Wasabi caught the feather monster...

Closer, closer... I'll get you, you feather monster...


Rats... missed...

Wasabi can almost taste it...

Wa-ha...  Wasabi masticating the feather monster...

All done for... Mom's you can go back to cleaning...

Good Night all... and We wish you a WONDERFUL and HAPPY Thanksgiving!!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Busy, Busy... Mom has a new Camera.... so tons of pics:)

Peek-a-boo... Hide-n-seek is fun with shower sheers...

Mom giving Wasabi a foot massage...purrrr

Uncle Mischa giving me bath......

All Done...

Curling up on Mom's hand for a nice nap...

Snoozing and watching tv... with a Mom...

Wasabi posing...

My turn... my turn...

Wasabi trying Mom's Guinness Stout...

Relaxing while Mom checks her email...


Uncle Mischa is Sleeping...


Kissy, Uncle Mischa...

See, I DIDN'T wake him... I can be good... (this time anyway)

Riding on Mom's shoulder... transport and cuddling... the only way to travel...

The BOX...

Wanna Fight for it?....


Phase 2 of the battle for the BOX...

First we assess and plan...

Draw our lines and prepare our defenses...

And then attackkkkkk!!!...

Round 3....

Okay... bored now... NEW TOY....

Wa-ha... this one is cool I can have air battles...

Sneaky Wasabi... Mom has turned her back... and look...

Beef broth.... yumm... slurp...

The BOX.. no longer a point of contention has been relegated to chew toy...

Wasabi attacking shadows.... boys...

Until next week.... T'day is coming up 2 more weeks... mom says she is getting a Turkey big enough for ME to hide in... but I don't think she is going to let me.... rats...