Sunday, September 28, 2008

Week 12- Conquering new nap spots

I have come to realize...

That it is Good to be Queen...

But politics are BORING!!!...

Sleeping... umm... reading with Mom...

New warm nap spot... won't the cable guy be surprised...

Playing attack the monster with Mom....

"I AM A BOY... no milk, really... ye Gads"

Wasabi killing the fuzzy critter...

Action Shot...

Mom setting up the prey...

You don't expect, Moi , to go after that? Do You? Pulease...

Uncle Mischa explaining the art of toy selection...

Playing on the upstairs tree...

Wa-ha, Wasabi... I got you.... oh, dastardly fiend...

Wasabi seeks a new approach vector...

Well, that was hard work... must groom... One must always look one's best...

Sunday afternoon stroll...

Wasabi enjoying another thrilling tv show... zzzzzzzz...

Making Calls...

My toy...

Yes, Really....

Seriously, even... My toy....

Two hands, no waiting....

Catching up on the DVR.... zzzzzz....

Sigh... life is GOOD... when you're with the one's you love....

Sunday, September 21, 2008

We're Eleven WHOLE weeks old

I have to make a statement before I show you what we did this week

I REALLY, REALLY NEED Opposable Thumbs!!!

Now back to our week

We played track ball...

We slept....

We played some more.... (boxes are so nifty)...

Uncle Mischa sought sanctuary.... (snicker)

Aren't I just too pretty for words....

Uncle  Mischa keeps an eye on us...

So Mom, What should I play for you Today... ( I still haven't figured out when he learned to play... maybe I was sleeping... I need my beauty sleep)

Wasabi, getting some guy time with Uncle Mischa...

Uncle Mischa observes my brother's keen hunting technique...

The prey is caught, time for a congratulatory scratch...

Wah-ha, Would you like a bath, oh, brother mine?...

Yup... We love to help Mom read.... but it is tiring...

See, We're all worn out... doesn't Wasabi make a good pillow... boys are so hard to keep in line...

I just don't understand where Uncle Mischa hides his milk... Come on Wasabi help me look...

Wasabi like to watch the Moms on their computers... well, before he tries to play with the buttons...

But that was our week... we had the run of the house.... all day this week... when we were babies the Moms made us stay their rooms during the day... But we'll be teenweekers soon... I can't wait to be Thirteen... Then I'll be sooo cool

Monday, September 15, 2008

We're Ten Weeks old and Hanging with our People

AND NOW I AM QUEEN!!!! ( well, I always was but, hey, it's in living color now)
We snuggled in the tree...

We played in the tree...

We slept in the sunshine...

We sat on a Mom...

We visited with one of our new Aunts...

We strolled with the Moms and Our new Uncle....

We got family time with Uncle Mischa...

And Helped one of our Mom's read... she wouldn't have been able to do it without us...

Mom's say we are growing like weeds... but who'd want to be a weed... umm.. wait .. is catnip a weed... well, ok, then I guess... but we both weigh 2 pounds and 10 whole ounces... and We slept lots and lots and played lots and lots...