Monday, February 2, 2009

Sleep, play... Sleep, play... oh, it's the Cat's life for me...

Wasabi, his sprawl while keeping paws warm pose...

Don't I look cute... that, of course, is not a question....

Ahhh, beauty sleep....

Wasabi thinks he has found a cool basket to play in...

I had to explain that it was a trash can...

ah-ha... I see prey....

Yes... purrr ... prey....

The set up...


Wasabi playing peek-a-boo...


Mom says the pictures don't need dialog.... personally, I would have added a "Biff, Pow, Wham"

But... for now I shall watch the world from protected pouncing spot...:)

1 comment:

no one of consequence said...

Wow! Who stole Wasabi and replaced him with a full grown cat?